Recently I've been seeing ads from a popular deodorant company popping up everywhere. The woman in the ad says the product "protects her from sweat". I was shocked the first time I saw this ad because the irony hit me right away. This woman is worried about sweating so she's using a product that is designed to block her sweat glands so she doesn't have to be bothered with a damp underarm. But did she ever stop to think about why she is sweating in the first place?
Our bodies are incredible at detoxifying. That's why we poop, pee, sweat, and may wake up greasy and with bad breath. Our bodies are constantly trying to get rid of all the toxic burdens we're exposed to. The more cleansed our bodies are, the healthier we will be overall. We sweat to get rid of toxins our bodies don't want anymore. Therefore, when we use an antiperspirant, we are going against nature. We are trapping nasty waste products inside, forcing them to go elsewhere, where they could potentially cause more health problems.
I remember when I was a teenager, my mom knew a woman from our church who had breast cancer. She had done a lot of research and told my mom she would never use antiperspirant again. I didn't understand that at the time because I used antiperspirant every day. I didn't put the pieces together until I was in my early 20's, when I began researching health and wellness.
I understand the desire to prevent body odor. I grew up trying many different products that claimed they would prevent me from sweating and make me smell fresh. But they never really worked. They helped, but my body odor was really only being masked by an artificial scent.
My solution came when I found my favorite nutritionist, Kimberly Snyder's home made deodorant recipe. It's made with only 4 ingredients and it actually prevents me from smelling better than any other deodorant I had bought in the past. The best part about it though, is that I still sweat when I use it! I have learned to embrace the sweat, because it means my body is doing it's job.
We live in a culture that tells us we aren't supposed to have bodily functions, and I refuse to buy into this lie. I have written about this topic before, but after seeing that ad, I had to discuss it again. I don't want anyone to be deceived by this propaganda anymore.
Below I'll share the deodorant recipe I use so you can try it for yourself and embrace your sweat!!