Constipation is a topic most people don't want to discuss, even if they're dealing with it themselves. It can be embarrassing and personal, but I feel free enough to let you in on these easy steps. When you start researching wellness and nutrition, it becomes clear what we put into our bodies is just as important as what comes out. Seriously, pooping is not something to be embarrassed about. A lack of pooping however, should be cause for concern . Ongoing cleansing is crucial to living your healthiest life, so here are three easy ways to prevent constipation!

1. Detoxy
Detoxy is a magnesium-oxygen supplement created by celebrity nutritionist and best-selling author, Kimberly Snyder. If you're struggling with constipation, I couldn't recommend Detoxy more. It's not habit forming, is anti-aging, and is great for cleansing out old waste that gets trapped in your digestive system. I take it at least three times a week to prevent build up. Follow this LINK to learn more and order some for yourself. (This is not sponsored. I'm promoting it on my own because I love it and want to let others know how helpful it is!)

2. Consume High Fiber Foods Daily
According to the Mayo Clinic, a high fiber diet normalizes bowel movements, helps maintain bowel health, lowers cholesterol levels, helps control blood sugar levels,aids in achieving a healthy weight,and helps you live longer. Fun fact, dietary fiber is only found in plant foods. I am personally all plant based, which ensures I get plenty of fiber in my diet. Even if you aren't all plant based, you can certainly reap these benefits simply by choosing more plant foods on a regular basis. The best sources of dietary fiber are fruits,vegetables, beans, peas, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

3. Use a Squatty Potty
When I first saw the Squatty Potty commercial with the prince and the unicorn (look it up if you want a good laugh), I thought it was a joke. I was curious enough to try it out myself and I'm so glad I did. This toilet stool allows you to squat, which is the position our bodies are designed to eliminate wastes in. This will save you time and promote healthier bowel movements because it prevents long straining sessions. It also doubles as a toddler stool, so that's a bonus. (Once again, I'm promoting this on my own because I believe it works!) You can find these stools on Amazon or Bed Bath and Beyond.
These simple steps will be extremely helpful to those suffering from constipation. Try implementing all or one of them at a time and feel the relief!