Do you remember the first episode of The Walking Dead? You may be wondering what that has to do with how to save money, but go with me. Before zombies take over, Rick Grimes and his partner, Shane, are in their cop car discussing women. Shane is complaining about a woman he dated who could never remember to turn off lights. He'd come home and the house would be completely lit up and he makes it clear he thinks most women do this. That conversation always bothered me because I always turn off lights. It's a habit I've had for a long time. That made me think about other tips I use to save money around my house. Here are 6 money saving ideas you can try to implement into your life today!
1. Turn off Lights So yes, it's pretty self-explanatory. Whenever you leave a room, always turn off the lights. Leaving them on is a waste of electricity and money. It's also a good idea to only use dim lighting at night so your body knows it's time to wind down for sleep. The less light you use, the less it will cost you. Try dim tap lamps, pink Himalayan salt lamps, or candles instead.
2. Remove Extra Light Bulbs
Since we're on the subject of lights, did you know you can remove extra light bulbs? In both bathrooms, my husband took out several bulbs. Now we have plenty of extra ones for when the others go bad and our bathrooms aren't overwhelmingly bright. Evaluate your need for light and really think about how much you actually need. My eyes are very sensitive, so this tip has been great for me!
3. Flush Every Three Times You Pee
This one might seem gross to some, but if it's just you and your family at home, this is a great way to save water and money. Obviously, you'll want to always flush number two. When it comes to pee though, waiting a few times to flush is not so bad. Make sure the toilet doesn't get too full of toilet paper or it will clog, but for the most part, you can wait to flush every three uses. I'm always drinking water, so this tip is especially helpful for me, if you know what I mean.
4. Ditch Unnecessary Subscriptions
Often times, a Netflix or Amazon subscription is cheaper than cable. It's worth looking into if you find a large chunk of your budget going to a cable package. Extra subscriptions such as subscription boxes, magazines, and other memberships you don't really use can add up quickly. Consider ditching anything you no longer find useful and enjoy the savings.
5. Eat Leftovers
Meal planning is something I cannot skip for my family of three. I usually plan a lunch to make at the beginning of the week and eat that for several days. For dinners, I'll plan about three meals per week and we eat the leftovers until they run out. This way, I rarely throw away food and I don't have to cook every single day.
6. Turn Up the A/C When You're Not Home
Living in Florida, it's hot most of the time, so when we're home our A/C is usually on 78. I turn it up to 80 to save a little money if I know I'll be gone most of the day. It might be warm when I get home, but it doesn't take long to cool off once I turn it back down.
I hope you'll try these money saving tips for yourself. These may seem like minuscule changes, but they all add up and can save you a considerable amount of money over time!